The charm of a journey is the succession of emotions and new ones discoveries. Make to savor the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b81-136bad5c3cfori-3194-bb3b81-136bad5cfori -136bad5cf58d_is part of this journey; for this we use products and raw materials of small producers and farms_cc7905-bad5 , genuine products that tell about the know-how of the our people and history della_della_cc3bc3b-136bad5cf58d_della_della_groundc3 The carefully prepared cakes are simple e rustiche, they remind us of family afternoons, the Maison's croissants taste of butter and France_cc781905-5cde-31b 136bad5cf58d_and fresh fruit jams, all homemade. Flavors and perfumes that in your mind will always bring you back to Villa 61 ... -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_the time to savor, the Arco room is dedicated to you and your breakfast.

angolo stanza colazione

torte, marmellate e croissants, tutti fatti in casa

torte fatte in casa

"granola" fatta in casa da assaporare con lo yogurt di latteria

tavolo colazione

colazione a base di prodotti tipici e locali

torte e crumble fatti in casa, succhi artigianali

torte, marmellate e croissants, tutti fatti in casa

torte fatte in casa
Villa 61